Apple's Plans To Introduce Full-Screen, In-App Video Iads

By Adam Musa

According to reports from AdAge, later this year, Apple is planning to introduce full-screen in-app video iAds. Many people are calling the new ads "interstitials". This is because it is though that the ads will initially be used in news-style apps and game apps, and the video ads will play in between articles or after the completion of each level in a game.

Many are calling this latest venture Apple's attempt to tap into the lucrative TV budgets of big-brand advertisers. Brands will have the ability to re-purpose TV ads that they have already produced and use them to target users of mobile devices. Unlike the current ads from iAds, full-screen in-app video ads will be hard for users of iOS devices to ignore, so it is thought that the ads will be much more effective and thus more appealing to some of the big brand names.

Apple has not released a concrete statement about the up-and-coming full-screen video ads, but it is assumed that the video ads will be designed so that they are not too intrusive. It is unlikely that the ads will just suddenly start playing when an iOS user is in the middle of carrying out an important task in an app. The video ads will most likely be designed as post-roll or pre-roll units.

The iAd network was introduced in 2010 to allow app developers to earn some money from the iOS platform. However, the network has not been very successful, as many iOS users have installed AdBlock to avoid having to view any of the iAd network banner ads. It is though that the new full-screen video ads will be more difficult to block or avoid.

The truth is that Apple need to be careful to ensure that they do not annoy too many iOS users with these new ads, which many current iOS users are dreading. There are now many mobile devices available in the marketplace and if an iOS user is bombarded with intrusive video commercials whilst they are trying to use apps, several market research surveys suggest that the user will change to a difficult mobile device.

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