The Work Of An Online Marketing Firm & Facebook's Mobile Upgrade

By Robbie Sutter

Recently, Facebook rolled out its version 10.0 of its iOS app and to say that it had garnered attention would be an understatement. After all, it's important to note that Facebook has seemingly been gearing more to a mobile front. It's understandable as to why, given the fact that most people are on the move and have little time to actually sit down in front of a computer and work. Onto Facebook version 10.0, though, there are various features that are worth going over.

One of the main features that stood out, to me, was the way in which sent messages have changed. Specifically, you may find yourself in an area where a connection isn't prevalent, whether it is on an airplane, in a wooded area, or what have you. Whatever the case may be, if you send out messages on Facebook without a solid connection, they will actually be posted once you arrive in a location where a steady connection is prevalent. This is perhaps one of the handier additions to the app I have seen.

To say that this is an addition for an online marketing firm to draw attention to would be nothing short of an understatement. Various firms, fishbat included, understand that Facebook is integral for business and its mobile focus is one that cannot be questioned. With this in mind, it's understandable why different features are going to be added to the app on a constant basis. However, it's important to understand that certain features, which were not received as positively, were added in as well.

More than anything else, the way in which news is displayed on the app has to be talked about. Instead of stories being sorted via the "Most Recent" filter, they will instead be positioned on the news feed based on how popular they are. Keep in mind that the setting can be changed over to "Most Recent" if a step-by-step process is followed through with. With this in mind, though, how many casual users will actually take it upon themselves to make the change if this setting isn't visible to begin with?

To say that Facebook's latest update to its iOS app was met with a mixed response would be an understatement. However, in order for companies to better understand what their fans want in an app, they have to take it upon themselves to research. They should read what others say - whether through reviews, comments, or what have you - and go on to make changes based on those thoughts. If the thoughts in question are taken into heavy consideration, I believe that further updates will be that much better.

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