College Survival: The First Semester

By Darrel Jefferson

Tests, papers, and quizzes can quickly make or break your college experience. Trying to learn to balance school, work, friends, and sleep can be something that no college student is completely ready for. Below are some of the top tips to help you survive your first semester away from home and in school.

Most likely, you didn't have readings and lectures quite like you will have them in college. You can look at a syllabus on see what the topic is for the class on a specific day. Make sure that you are always caught up on the pre-readings for class. Getting behind on your readings can be detrimental in your success and is a bad way to start off your college experience. Make time in your busy schedule to read and put your studies ahead of other less important things.

Because of this need to save money there are many students who try and devise different ways to save money, from smart shopping to thrifty living, but there are likewise other practical ways to save money through the college years that some may not have thought of.

Host a movie night. You should be able to schedule a lobby or lounge somewhere on campus that allows these kinds of things; maybe the main lobby in your dorms. Put up fliers, or send invites via Facebook to your friends, and have everyone bring treats.

It is often these simple tips and tricks that can end up saving a college student hundreds or even thousands of dollars throughout their collegiate career, but students should not forget the basics of saving money either. In order to escape college with limited or zero debt, it will take the combined effort by students to remember to employ both the traditional money saving tips that they probably already know as well as a few unconventional or round about ways to save money (such as filing taxes and filling out a FAFSA form).

Scope out food and drink specials around town. Many of the restaurants and bars surrounding campus cater to poor college students. You'll probably be able to find a different place with awesome specials every night of the week, where you can go out on the night with your friends.

Go to karaoke, or organize your own. The Karaoke nights at the local watering hole can be ridiculously fun, and you can also set up your own karaoke session with your friends. You'll be surprised how much you get into belting out the words to some Rhianna song. Throw a surprise birthday party. Organizing the party will be the best part, but it could be even more interesting to see how many dozens of people you can cram into a tiny dorm room for the big surprise.

One tip to saving money in college that few may have considered is to pass on the low paying (or even high paying) summer jobs and stick with school. Attending summer school while working part time may keep a student busy, but it is a great way to get through school faster, which saves money, and typically cheaper, as summer tuition is usually less than traditional semester's tuition would be.

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