If you have spent any amount of time marketing on the web, you probably have heard the phrase content is king. Savvy marketers have known for years that one of the cornerstones of successful search engine optimization is providing plenty of high quality content.
That has never been truer than it is today. The updated search algorithms for 2014 all place major emphasis on content. Not just any content, mind you. Instead, the search engines are looking for the highest quality content possible to present to their users. What qualifies as good content? Essentially, anything that meets or exceeds the expectations of your visitors. Here are a couple of tips to help you create killer content for your site:
Focus On Your Visitors
Personally, I have conducted a small experiment. I realized that it is now possible for an article to rank for hundreds or even thousands of long tail keywords without building too many backlinks. But for that to happen, you need to follow the guidelines mentioned above. Make sure the article is at least 800 words and written naturally without keyword stuffing.
The benefits of quality content is that it is now possible for a single page to rank for multiple long tail keywords. This is especially true after the introduction of the Hummingbird algorithm. Therefore, it makes sense for webmasters to spend more effort in deciding what to put on their website.
Ideally, the article should also be at least 800 words and above. After all, how can you provide quality information to your visitors in just 500 words? There is just not enough words to really go into an in depth discussion of a topic. The Panda 4.0 update serves as an important reminder of the importance of quality content for the purpose of SEO. Even gigantic sites such as Ebay can get penalized due to doorway pages. This is something that the smaller webmasters must pay attention to.
That has never been truer than it is today. The updated search algorithms for 2014 all place major emphasis on content. Not just any content, mind you. Instead, the search engines are looking for the highest quality content possible to present to their users. What qualifies as good content? Essentially, anything that meets or exceeds the expectations of your visitors. Here are a couple of tips to help you create killer content for your site:
Focus On Your Visitors
Personally, I have conducted a small experiment. I realized that it is now possible for an article to rank for hundreds or even thousands of long tail keywords without building too many backlinks. But for that to happen, you need to follow the guidelines mentioned above. Make sure the article is at least 800 words and written naturally without keyword stuffing.
The benefits of quality content is that it is now possible for a single page to rank for multiple long tail keywords. This is especially true after the introduction of the Hummingbird algorithm. Therefore, it makes sense for webmasters to spend more effort in deciding what to put on their website.
Ideally, the article should also be at least 800 words and above. After all, how can you provide quality information to your visitors in just 500 words? There is just not enough words to really go into an in depth discussion of a topic. The Panda 4.0 update serves as an important reminder of the importance of quality content for the purpose of SEO. Even gigantic sites such as Ebay can get penalized due to doorway pages. This is something that the smaller webmasters must pay attention to.
About the Author:
wordpress.com - Rapid Content Wizard Lightning is a website dedicated to exposing the advantages & disadvantages with an in-depth Rapid Content Wizard Lightning Review.
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