Pre Production Planning

By Sophia Marshell

The process of filming is a lengthy one and incorporates a great deal more planning and preparation than one may suspect. From my past experience if this is not organised well, a lot can go wrong. In a group there are plenty of concepts and opinions flying about and if these are not thought through, organised and communicated, the end product will not be a success. When researching ways to make this pre-production process smoother and more efficient for the future, I came across the 'Pre-production checklist' created by LAMBDA films. Which outlines three key ways to ease a process that can become very stressful otherwise. These included, scripting, storyboarding, and a treatment making the final intentions of the project clear.

Scripting and storyboarding are crucial in the pre-production of a project, they make sure that there in a vision and plan for when it comes to the filming. They both undertake fundamental features of the filming process. Scripting is important to guarantee that all the required content is covered, whether it is a well formed script leaving no room of improvisation or bullet pointed topics of conversation. Scripting is not only used for speech but could as be used for movement, to convey a particular message through the gestures of the actor or actress. Scripting and storyboarding are fairly similar, one working with the people/person being filmed and the other dealing with those behind the camera, capturing the action. Storyboarding provides a visual for the various shots which will be used throughout filming, making sure that everyone involved has a definite idea of precisely what the final product will look like shot by shot, and also so that filming on the day operates efficiently.

Looking back at when I began learning about filming and production I did not appreciate the worth of storyboarding until it was far to late - on the day of filming when things got very intense and stressful with the deadline rapidly approaching. Without a structured storyboard the day was very unorganised and unenjoyable. I have however, learnt from past errors and since then have made sure that a well thought through storyboard always features in the pre-production process. Ensuring that it proceeds to develop and progress all through the entire planning period to ensure we are all pleased with the final result.

As the LAMBDA video says, another fundamental part of pre-production may be to create a treatment outlining the objective of the project and intentions to ensure everyone involved is aware of what the final goal is. As I have previously said and cannot stress enough just how crucial it is to have everyone on the group on the same page and working together.

Pre-production is vital for the coordination of what is going to be filmed and includes many stages that cannot to ignored (as I learnt). It effects the whole filming process and makes your life easier in the long run, with efficiency and ease when it comes to shooting.

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