Some Important Points About Pipeline Right Of Way

By Jerri Perry

You are about to start a business where you will be coursing the services that you will be extending to your customers through the use of pipes. You know that they are expected to pass through various properties before the whole installation can be done. Because of this, you have decided to take advantage of the pipeline right of way concept.

You're going to need to establish an agreement with the land owners this time to ensure that you will be given the necessary pass to get the pipes to be buried under their respective properties. You will need an easement this time. Making sure that you are well aware of the things that you need to do to get things done this time.

The reason for this is because there needs to be maintenance needs that your firm has to fulfill when operating these pipes. It is not enough that you get them buried in the specific locations that you will need them to get buried. You will need to make sure too, that they are kept in excellent condition all the time. You're going to perform maintenance, tests, and other servicing.

There is going to be an agreements that will need to be set between you and the owners of the property where the pipes have to pass through. It is essential that you are able to properly take note of the things that are included in the agreement. You have to make sure that both sides are amenable to what are state din the agreement so there is proper understanding between you.

These places need to have a good aerial view. In fact, the agreement that you and the landowner will choose to sign together might specific how there are specific parts of the property where the pipes passes through that should not be planted with anything. This way, the area is properly kept cleared. Then, maintenance and visual inspections be a lot easier to perform.

As a result of the easement, you have to pay the landowner a specific amount in exchange of him agreeing to get your pipes to pass through his property. The law states that a minimum of one dollar has to be paid to the landowner for these transaction. Of course, in reality, these figures are considerably bigger and landowners can negotiate a better compensation.

This kind of agreement is going to stay with the title of the property. In the event that the property is going to be sold to a different owner pr passed on to an heir, the agreement remains with the tile. However, there is a chance that the easement can be removed from the title. The court determines if it is indeed relevant to do so and it must establish too that it is not longer needed.

There are cases when landowners may not be that amenable to the pipeline right of way agreement. In this case, they can always choose to say no. The court will still later issue an order for the easement to push through though especially if they will determine that it promotes public good.

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