3 Most Important Parts Of Getting A Big 4 Firm Job

By Tom Richardson

Getting a career at the Big 4 Accounting firms is one of the biggest and most important challenges of your life. You need the basic requirements to even have a chance at an interview. The basic requirements that must be eligible to sit for the CPA, be obtained an undergrad degree, etc. In addition to the minimum requirements that are required to even be considered, there are three crucial pieces that without, it is unlikely you will receive the job.

I've been assisting students in their quest to get hired at these accounting firms for more than five years (since 2008). I tell my coachees the same things need to be accomplished each time we start out in our coaching. If you want to work for the big 4, you must have a stellar resume, prepared intensely for the interview, and have a built a compelling personal story.

The most important piece of this journey is the story. What is the reason that you have chosen this career and are applying to this firm? While this may sound abstract, it is not. What you tell the recruiter, they will repeat to every partner and manager in the firm. You need to have a compelling reason for why you chose this career. If it is because your father owns a CPA firm, or your aunt is a partner at one of the Big 4, that will work. If you are a first generation accountant, why are you choosing this profession? Do you love the classes? Excited about learning about companies? Are you interested in auditing because you want to work with public companies? Whatever it is, make sure it sounds good and can be repeated by the recruiters over and over.

The second piece of the puzzle is your resume. Most believe the resume is the most important piece in the process however, if the resume does not have a story it will end up in the garbage. Without a compelling story, the resume will be a piece of paper of paper with ink, not a future employee. The resume should include your education, certifications you will or have obtained, community service, work or internship experience, and leadership roles. While each component of your resume is crucial, the best resumes "look right". Most recruiters are looking for the right formatting more than any other single component on the resume. They won't admit this to you, but it's true. If your resume is more than a page, you're already in trouble.

Finally, the preparation for the interview is the third most important piece when trying to obtain a job with the big 4 accounting firms. The story you have told and the resume you used to tell it should be enough to get you in the door. However, without thorough and dedication preparation for the interview, it is all for nothing. The questions people ask are almost always the same, and at Big 4 Guru, we have them all. Not to mention the questions you should be asking the interview, that is often the most important part.

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