Motor Club Of America Scam

By Marissa Velazquez

The multi level marketing model has been a very popular model these days wherein one can actually earn a lot of money just by recruiting people into the business. Now although the concept of multi level marketing or networking is very good, many people have been using it to extract money from individuals. Of course in the world of scams, the motor club of america scam is one that stands out.

Just to give people an idea of what MCA is all about, these bits of information will be able to shed some light on it. In a nutshell, it is a business wherein one will be getting a lot of great roadside services or benefits by becoming a member of this business. One of the services that a member will be able to have would be to have an MCA tow truck at his disposal any time he wants.

Although this is their main service, the one thing that they would really promote would be the income opportunity that comes with it. For those who do not know about it, basically, it is a referral program where one will earn by building a team under him. It is actually the typical multi level marketing program wherein one will earn commission from inviting people to join.

Now take note that a lot of people make use of the multi level marketing structure to fool people because it is so attractive to the eyes and ears. It is actually for this reason that one has to be very careful when he would want to join a networking company. A lot of them will not be able to give the rewards that they promise.

The very first thing that one should take a look at would be the website. The website is the very first indicator to see if a business is really a professional one or not. If the website looks like it has been made by a seven year old, then it is already extremely obvious that it is not a professional business and may indeed run away with money for the associates.

So relating that to the website of the motor club of america, one may observe that it does not look professional. Now their original main website has already been deleted but there are other sites that would promote the business. Notice that all of these sites look poorly done and very amateurish.

By doing further research, one would actually find out that the MCA is actually not accredited. By calling up the Better Business Bureau or BBB, one would discover that the MCA is not a part of the list of reliable businesses in the USA. This simply means that they are not a recognized company and may actually not be legitimate at all.

To further confirm that the motor club of america scam is indeed true, one can check some of the sites online that would rate businesses. One will actually see that the MCA will get a lot of bad reviews and bad ratings.That is the main reason why MCA has such a bad reputation.

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